Hades' Hell

Advanced Tips

Entering Hades' Hell!

Before you descend into Hades, there are a few things you should know! The path through the depths of Hades is perilous and has extra game mechanics to make each fight that little bit harder! In the first stages of this journey, molten magma chunks will rain down from the sky causing damage equal to 15% of your Heroes’ Health, so make sure you bring Support Heroes to rejuvenate your team or Tanks like Athena who can provide shields for everyone! As you progress deeper down this path, you will need to change the Heroes you choose for combat, not only to counteract the enemies, but also to deal with the Environmental effects! Share with your fellow Summoners if you find effective teams for Hades’ Hell!

mythic heroes Hades's Hell Mechanics

Hades' Hell

Advanced Tips

Entering Hades' Hell!

Before you descend into Hades, there are a few things you should know! The path through the depths of Hades is perilous and has extra game mechanics to make each fight that little bit harder! In the first stages of this journey, molten magma chunks will rain down from the sky causing damage equal to 15% of your Heroes’ Health, so make sure you bring Support Heroes to rejuvenate your team or Tanks like Athena who can provide shields for everyone! As you progress deeper down this path, you will need to change the Heroes you choose for combat, not only to counteract the enemies, but also to deal with the Environmental effects! Share with your fellow Summoners if you find effective teams for Hades’ Hell!

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