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Lv.3: Increases the minimum damage to 700%; maximum damage to 1400%
Lv.4: Increases the minimum damage to 750%; maximum damage to 1500%

Lv.3: Increases the suppressing time to 3s
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt by the initial sword thrust and its withdrawal to 180%
After Marduk withdraws his sword, he deals another 120% of his Attack to the target.

Lv.3: Additionally, whenever an enemy is stunned by this skill, Marduk recovers 5% of his max Health
Lv.4: Increases Dodge by 50%
This skill cannot be dispersed.

Lv.3: If in warlord form, "Thunderstorm Sword" duration is extended to the end of the battle
Lv.4: If in warlord form, the reduction of his damage taken is doubled.