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Lv.3: Deals 225% damage
Lv.4: The Ultimate can be used while being controlled. Additionally, disperse all debuffs on Ganjiang.
This attack cannot be blocked/dodged. This Ultimate can only be used 1 time(s) per battle.

Lv.3: As Moye, Ganjiang sword deals 70% damage; as Ganjiang, Moye sword deals 140% damage
Lv.4: As Moye, Ganjiang sword deals 75% damage; as Ganjiang, Moye sword deals 150% damage

Lv.3: As Moye, the last slash is guaranteed to Crit; as Ganjiang, target's Defense is decreased by 10% for 5s
Lv.4: As Moye, deals 90% damage; as Ganjiang, deals 150% damage

Lv.3: As Moye, increases Dodge by 42%; as Ganjiang, increases Crit Chance by 42%
Lv.4: As Moye, increases Dodge by 45%; as Ganjiang, increases Crit Chance by 45%