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Lv.3: Increases shield’s value to 280% of Attack
Lv.4: During "Power of Asadal," Dangun's Hong/Ik stamp interval is reduced to 1s
[Ik-Hong-Ik] "Spring Rain": In the area where allies are densest, rainfall recovers allies' Health equal to 80% of Dangun's Attack every second for 5s.
[Hong-Hong-Ik] "Gale": One frontline ally disperses all their debuffs, gains immunity to control, and increases their Lifesteal by 50% for 6s.
[Hong-Ik-Ik] "Collapsing Mountain": Increases the damage dealt by active skills by 25% for 3 random allies for 5s.
[Ik-Ik-Ik] "Fertile Soil": All allies reduce their damage taken to 1 for 2s.
[Hong-Ik-Hong] "Agnifire": In the area where enemies are densest, a fire spot appears to deal damage equal to 80% of Dangun's Attack every second for 5s.
[Ik-Ik-Hong] "Furious Thunder": Deals damage equal to 200% of Dangun's Attack to an opponent and nearby enemies and stuns them for 5s.
[Ik-Hong-Hong] "Thin Clouds": The two enemies with the highest Energy have their Attack Speed reduced by 40% and lose 60 of their current Energy every second for 4s.
[Hong-Hong-Hong] "Shocking": The enemy with the highest current Health ratio loses 30% of current Health as True Damage and reduces their Health Reception by 80% for 10s.
Lv.3: Reduces the interval between stamps to 2.2s
Lv.4: Reduces the interval between stamps to 2s

Lv.3: Increases the duration of both boosts to 4s
Lv.4: Increases Breakthrough boost to 8%

Lv.3: Increases the Attack boost to 30%
Lv.4: Increases all the Cooldown Reductions and Auto-Attack Speed boosts to 15%