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Increases Chernobog's Damage dealt to 195% of Attack
Lv 3: increases Belobog's maximum Health restoration for Chernobog to 60%;
Increases Chernobog's Damage dealt to 210% of Attack
Lv 4: Increases the duration of Belobog's additional Damage to 7s;
Reduces the max Health consumed by Chernobog to 3.5%
When using this skill, different effects are applied based on the caster:
Belobog: Restores Chernobog by 40% of max Health and removes his Feigned Death state. For the next 5s, when all allied units except for himself deal Damage from their auto-attacks, they will also inflict Damage equal to Belobog's 55% Attack. During each [Solar Eclipse] period, this additional Damage can be triggered up to 35 times.
Chernobog: Consumes 5% of max Health from Belobog and allied heroes around him whose current Health Percentage is above 50%. Deals 5 instances of Damage equal to 180% Attack to the enemy unit with the lowest current Health and the surrounding enemy units. Every time he successfully consumes 1 allied unit's Health, increases Damage dealt by 35% ATK.

Increases Chernobog's Damage transfer amount to 40%
Lv 3: Increases Belobog's additional shield amount to 1.5% of Max Health
Increases Chernobog's Crit Damage to 5%
Lv 4: Increases Belobog's shield gain per second to 4% of Max Health
Increases Chernobog's Damage transfer amount to 45%

When Chernobog takes Damage, he transfers 35% of that Damage to Belobog and increases his own Crit Damage by 3% (up to 12 stacks).

Increases Chernobog's Damage dealt to 50% of Attack
Lv 3: Increases Belobog's Damage dealt to 270% of Attack;
Increases Chernobog's suppressing time to 3s
Lv 4: Increases Belobog's Damage dealt to 300% of Attack;
Increases Chernobog's Damage dealt to 55% of Attack
Chernobog lunges forward, suppressing enemy units in range for 2s and dealing a total of 6 times 45% Attack Damage to the target during this period.
Chernobog increases the base chance for the enemy to lose energy to 25%.
Lv 3:Belobog increases the effect of enhancing Attack 21%;
Chernobog causes the enemy to lose 10% of their current energy per second
Lv 4:Belobog increases the effect of additional Attack to 3%;
Chernobog causes the enemy to lose 12% of their current energy per second

After taking damage, Chernobog has a 20% base chance to cause the attacker to lose 8% of their current energy per second for the next 3 seconds. Additionally, whenever any unit on the field loses energy, Chernobog gains 20% of the lost energy.