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Lv.3 Increases the additional damage dealt to 35% of current Health
Lv.4 Increases the damage dealt to 675% of Attack
When this skill is used, Kinich Ahau raises Macuahuitl and selects the enemy Hero with the highest current Health percentage, and exchanges the Health percentage between himself and the target, then deals damage equal to 525% of Attack to the target. If the target is a Boss or whose Health percentage is lower than Kinich Ahau's, Health percentage will not be exchanged, and additional damage equal to 25% of Kinich Ahau current Health will be dealt.
[Burning]: Reduces Attack by 20% and receive 85% damage per second from Kinich Ahau.

Lv.3: Times of damage dealt is reduced to 2 times
Lv.4: Increases duration to 5s

Lv. 3: Increases the damage dealt to 240% of Attack
Lv.4:Increases the damage dealt to 270% of Attack

Lv.3: Increases the damage dealt by the shield smash to 335% of Attack
Lv.4: Increases the damage dealt by the shield smash to 360% of Attack